Rowan’s Law: Concussion safety, News (Kent Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 03, 2019 | Martin Steele | 2634 views
Rowan’s Law: Concussion safety
To all KMHA families - The Ontario Government has passed a law recently called "Rowan's Law", pertaining to concussions in sport. In doing so, the OHF and its member partners have introduced a new requirement effective immediately.

Every player (and a parent if the player is under 18 years of age) must review the age-appropriate Rowan's Law Concussion Awareness information and provide a completed acknowledgement form to their coach before they step on the ice for the 2019/2020 hockey season. No player will be allowed on the ice unless they have provided their coach with a completed acknowledgement form. There can not be, and will not be, ANY EXCEPTIONS.

Ontario Hockey Federation Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement Form
Riverview Gaming Centre
Kent Minor Hockey Association and Riverview Gaming Centre are proud partners in supporting the funding of our minor hockey program.
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Kent Minor Hockey Association and Power Play Gaming Centre are proud partners in supporting the funding of our minor hockey program.