KMHA House League Development, News (Kent Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 05, 2022 | Martin Steele | 2423 views
KMHA House League Development
KMHA house league development program will run 7 skates per group and includes the P.A. day skates that we have run in the past.

The first group will be the u9 and U8 age groups starting on October 27 from 7:30pm-8:30pm at Thames Campus Arena. The u11 and u10 group will start Nov. 10 at 7:30pm. PA day skates will be Nov 18, February 3 - times to be posted at a later date. 

We will be focusing on power skating, edgework, puck control, passing and shooting. Cost is $75 to register. Please email [email protected]
We in need of volunteers to help out with the program, so to pre-register or to inquire about volunteering, please contact Patrick Savard at [email protected]

Also, any goaltenders that have not received an email about our goaltending clinics, please contact me.
Kent Minor Hockey Association and Power Play Gaming Centre are proud partners in supporting the funding of our minor hockey program.
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Riverview Gaming Centre
Kent Minor Hockey Association and Riverview Gaming Centre are proud partners in supporting the funding of our minor hockey program.