"A" and "MD" Divisions Only. Players must be at least 9 years of age by December 31st in order to participate in the Exceptional Player process.
“A” and "MD" Divisions Only. Players must be at least 9 years of age by December 31st in order to participate in the Exceptional Player process.
KMHA adopts Hockey Canada’s recommendation that players develop and play within their age category. However, a player may seek exceptional status in order to play for a representative team in the next highest division. KMHA will consider any such request and may exercise its discretion to grant exceptional status for one season only based on exceptional player ability (considerably advanced for his/her age and playing at a level consistent with the top players at least one age group above) and maturity level. KMHA will also consider the overall impact of any movement on the teams involved and the association as a whole.
Kent Minor Hockey Association (KMHA) will continue to promote and encourage hockey excellence while maintaining a high degree of player development. To accomplish this, KMHA will allow players of exceptional ability from a lower age division to try out and play for teams in the next higher age division providing that all the following criteria have been met.
The request for the player to participate in the Exceptional Player process must be made in writing by the Head Coach of the next highest age division. The request and a $100.00 fee must be submitted to the KMHA VP of Travel or Travel Director two weeks (14 days) prior to the beginning of Travel tryouts. This fee is on top of the KMHA tryout fee. The Head Coach of the team inviting and the KMHA VP of Travel or Travel Director will complete the Exceptional Player Agreement.
During the tryout, the player must continue to attend tryouts in progress for his/her regular age division as well as the high age division team. To be allowed to play in a higher division, the player must be considered following the evaluation as one of the following on the team he is trying out for:
a) One of the top 3 forwards;
b) One of the top two defence men;
c) The number one goalie.
This rating will be determined by a minimum of a four-member Evaluation Committee (but could be more at the request of the VP of Travel) consisting of the Head Coach of the team the player would be advancing to, the current Director of Player Development, one KMHA board member with knowledge of hockey, and one or more other evaluators with knowledge of hockey and who are approved by the VP of Travel and Director of Travel.
The evaluation will consist of a minimum of 2 practices and 1 game. Should holding games not be possible due to early tryouts, a 3rd and 4th practice may be substituted. This evaluation must be completed in accordance with the Exceptional Player Agreement and coordinated by the VP of Travel from KMHA. Upon completion, the VP of Travel or the Travel Director will schedule a meeting between the Head Coach for both teams involved to discuss results of the evaluation.
Click here for the KMHA Exceptional Player Application