First Shift program continues to be a huge success, News (Kent Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 26, 2015 | Martin Steele | 2659 views
First Shift program continues to be a huge success
Kent Minor Hockey along with Bauer and Hockey Canada have been able to provide 45 kids and families from Chatham-Kent, Leamington and Lambton areas who are new to hockey, the opportunity to learn fundamental skills in a FUN and SAFE environment. 



First Shift was originally designed as a 6-week program to run in the Fall. Kent Minor Hockey Executive decided to include an additional 9 weeks to the program to appeal to the families and really engage the boys and girls involved. The additional program started up in January and will run through till March.

The enthusiasm in Memorial Arena on Monday nights has been incredible. It is fantastic to see how far these young hockey players have come- from barely being able to keep themselves up; to now striding full speed up and down the ice.


Parents and Families have expressed how First Shift has been such a positive experience- from day 1’s Welcome Event where their kids were fitted with full equipment from Bauer; to the Coaches and Volunteers who dedicate their time on the ice providing the instructional program.


“Awesome program with an excellent atmosphere”

“My child has developed an intense interest in skating all things to do with hockey”

“Great Coaches, Volunteers, awesome skill building program”

“New opportunity, new friends, new experiences and an extremely positive introduction to the sport”


Kent Minor Hockey has recognized First Shift as the program families have been looking for and are proud to be able to bring this into our community. Kent Minor Hockey is currently investigating how they can continue to grow the program for the following year.


If you should have any questions regarding this program please direct them to [email protected]

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