Travel Tryout Information, News (Kent Minor Hockey Association)

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Apr 03, 2018 | Martin Steele | 2627 views
Travel Tryout Information
Guidelines for AA/AE Tryouts


AA/AE Tryout Guidelines

All KMHA players must be registered in order to attend tryouts.

Tryout fee of $85.00 for all KMHA or NRP players

(KMHA players can cover this cost when registering online or pay at the door)

NON-RESIDENT PLAYERS – Players outside of KMHA Boundaries

Non-Resident Players (NRP) are eligible to attend our AA tryouts starting at Minor Peewee up to and including Major Midget divisions only. Any NRP player who does not bring a signed passport from their home centre will not be allowed on the ice. 

Players in divisions below Minor Peewee that are within KMHA boundaries are only eligible to play travel hockey within KMHA and are unable to play travel hockey in any other centre. Please contact the Ontario Minor Hockey Association with any inquiries regarding this policy. 

NRP (Non-Resident Players) who are released from our AA tryouts cannot tryout for our AE programs. 

KMHA Players:

All KMHA players wishing to play AE must attend AA tryouts. A verbal release from the AA Head Coach must be obtained as well as approval by the VP of Travel. For player development purposes, KMHA would like all players to play at the highest level possible within our travel program.  

KMHA Players requesting NRP passports for tryouts in an A Centre:

You must attend and have exhausted all reasonable efforts and avenues by attending our AA tryouts. Please contact the VP of Travel prior to attending AE tryouts.

KMHA Players requesting NRP passports for BB or below:

KMHA players must attend and have exhausted all reasonable efforts and avenues by attending our AA and/or AE tryouts. Please contact the VP of Travel or Travel Director to obtain your NRP passport.   


VP of Travel – Bart Shepley – [email protected]

Director of Travel – Scott Roberts – [email protected]



All prospective players are required to attend all tryouts. Only in exceptional circumstances or due to injury may a player be excused from attending a tryout. Permission to miss a tryout must be approved by the VP of Travel only.
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