Tournament, News, Select 7, 2013-2014, REP (Kent Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 25, 2014 | select7 | 704 views
After much searching we have signed up to play in the Wes Durie Memorial Tournament in Streetsville.


Dates: Saturday April 5th(2 games) and Sunday April 6th(1 game)
Location: Vic Johnston Community Center, 335 Church St., Mississauga, ON
Tournament Details:
3 Game Tournament
Novice Select/Rep only!
Skills Comp
Swag Bags
Game MVPs
Free Player BBQ
Free public for players and family members
Awards for all players

Hotel: pending - budgeting around $100/night
Note: I need to know whether you plan on staying 2 nights (Friday/Saturday) or just Saturday.
Our first game is most likely to be at 11am on Saturday

Please email [email protected] to confirm the following by March 7th:

1) Your attendance at the tournament
2) How many nights you are going to stay at the hotel?

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