May 08, 2014 | minor_atom_aa | 2607 views
2014-2015 Minor Atom AA TekSavvy Cobras Final Roster
Final Roster
Congratulations to the following players who have been selected to the 2014-2015 Minor Atom AA Teksavvy Cobras Team. The next ice time is scheduled for Sunday May 11, 2014 12:00 - 1:30 PM at Thames Campus.
Aidan Wheeler
Andrew Goulet
Austin Drew
Ben Church
Braden Twigg
Brenden McKay
Carson Nogueira
Daniel Norton
Declan Waddick
Ethan Waddick
Harrison Oickle
Jacob Vancoillie
Karter Koopmans
Logan Houle
Maclean Norris
Ryan Holly
Ryder Polowick
Thank you to all the players and their parents for your effort and cooperation throughout the try out process. For those players not selected, we wish you all the best in your upcoming season. Continue to work hard and develop your game.
Yours In Hockey,
Coach Twigg