May 18, 2015 | major-atom-aa | 2750 views
2015/2016 Major Atom AA Roster
I would like to thank all players that have participated in the Major Atom AA tryout process. Congratulations to the following players for being selected to the 2015/2016 Major Atom AA roster.
Carson Nogueira
Maddux Stewart
Ben Church
Ethan Savard
Ethan Waddick
Owen Kalp
Keegan Brady
Brady Cowell
Braden Twigg
Logan Houle
Ryder Polowick
Daniel Norton
Ryan Holly
Ryan Brophy
Carter Nicholson
Macguire Graham
Brayden Tremblay
I would ask the parents of the players listed above to please email me their contact information to
[email protected].
I will be in touch with everyone for a parent meeting in the next week or so.
Yours in hockey,
Brad Twigg