May 03, 2016 | atom-major-aa | 1298 views
Tryout #4
Thank you all for your efforts during the tryout process. These decisions do NOT go without a great deal of consideration.
The following players will continue...
The players with an asterisk will play in the tryout game versus Tecumseh.
Those continuing:
Vinny Hunter
*Kohen Parker
*Keigan Arnew
*Luc Blanchette
*Bricen Gebal
*Ashton Lovell
Gavin Stonefish
Kaiden Lovell
*Noah Wilson
*Sean Mallette
*Mitchell Loveday
*Zach Drummond
*Riley Countryman
*Luke Chickowski
*Niko Holmes
*Kalen Turner
*Tom Blundy
*Nick Horban
*Aiden Solway
Denver Poulin
Dakota Marchand
For those selected to play, please be at the Arena 45 minutes before game time and have 'warm up' gear.
For those not continuing on good luck with your upcoming season and there may be AP opportunities. If there are concerns/questions please email me through the web site. Please know that all/any correspondence will be shared with the VP Travel Jason Bright.
Thanks Coach Rex