May 20, 2016 | peewee-ae | 1903 views
Updated Pee Wee AE Roster
The coaching staff recognized your efforts, skill set & desire to make this team. It is never easy this time of year for the player,parent or coaching staff. For the children who are not on list going forward we want to wish you the best of luck in your upcoming hockey season.
Coach Scott
We would like to invite back the following Children
Bryce Bear
Noah Bright
Ryan Brophy
Dylan Carey
Lane Cook
Brady Cowell
Garrett Drew
Colin Fife
Corbin Koole
Jacob Kosik
Hunter Kristensen
Jake Legue
JP Lemak
David MacDonald
Cameron MacEachern
Brady Marks
Alex McLellan
Hunter Myers
Carter Nicholson
Carson Nogeria
Amber Parent
Chase Pretty
Sawyer Ritchie
Dominic St Amond
Kaleb Stonefish
Brayden Tremblay
Charlie Tufford
Congratulations. The coaching staff would like to see more intensity/urgency/desire from you to make this team in Tuesday's tryout.
Have a great long weekend & I will see you @ the rink on Tuesday.