Sep 08, 2019 | bantam-ae | 1510 views
Bantam AE Update
The following list of players will be invited to participate in tomorrow night's inner squad game. Jerseys will be provided tomorrow evening.
Team White Team Black
R. Hoekstra #1 M. Stewart #31
D. Pasha #31 K. Parker #1
C. Nicholson #4 A. VanHuizen #22
J. Knotek # 93 J. Kosik #14
M. Reaume #88 C. May #18
D. Zapotochny #18 A. Spafford #20
K. Stonefish # 66 D. Tricker #93
B. Tremblay #77 S. Ritchie #88
B. Cowell # 55 C. Day #10
C. McLeod #6 T. Blundy #26
JP Lemak #24 C. Suitor #24
J. Rollings #16 K. Brady #12
R. Cummings #44
This is never an easy process for players or coaches and ultimately leads to difficult decisions. We had a very talented group of individuals this season and I want to thank everyone for their effort and enthusiasm.