Sep 22, 2021 | u15aa | 1052 views
Tryout Update #2
I was very impressed with everyone's effort in St. Thomas, it was a great game to watch.
I have decided not to make any further releases at this time. Please refer to the list below, if there is an * beside your name, you will dress for the last tryout game Thursday September 23 at Thames at 8:50pm.
Please arrive 40 minutes prior to game time so we can warm up and be ready.
Bring your BLUE jersey. If you were originally in a black jersey, you will need to return your blue jersey after the game.
Players continuing in no particular order:
Brady Robertson *
Connor Graham *
Nash Provost *
Casey Tellier *
Pheonix Papps *
Brock Mailloux *
Vincent Vaughn *
Dominic Goure *
Nolan Jack *
Brett Stonehouse *
Reece Church *
Jayden Baylis *
Liam Hildebrand *
Evan Casey *
Cale Morris *
Ethan Bishop
Brayden deHaas
Isaac Cook
Owen Caza *
Final releases will be made following Thursday's game.
Coach Leighton