Roster for St Thomas game, in St Thomas, News, U18 AA (2004/2005), 2021-2022, REP (Kent Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 19, 2021 | U18aa | 944 views
Roster for St Thomas game, in St Thomas
Please find the attached roster for the game in St Thomas Monday September 20, 9pm at the Joe Thorton Community Centre. 
Also please follow the attached covid saftey requirements for St Thomas.

The roster for tomorrows exhibition game in St Thomas is as follows:
Brady Cowell
Robert Cummings
Ethan Gagnier
Brady Marks
Aiden Rigby
Brayden Tremblay
Cam Wellington
Austin Drew
Ryan Holly
Logan Houle
Hanhee Lee
Jake Legue
Carson May
Ryder Polowick
Max Reaume
Tristan Van Breda
Brent Zimmer
Sage Deneau
Tyler Harper

Please bring your blue jersey (if you kept it), and your own water bottle.
Please see the rules below for St Thomas arenas.

Hi Guys,


Here are the details for our exhibition games for tryouts.


1.  Covid Screening must be done prior to entering into any arena.  The Joe Thornton Community Centre and Memorial Arena have posted at the front doors of each facility the Covid QR screening code or you can use this link

For those who don't have a cell phone with a camera, there is a binder in the lobby of the arena that can be used for screening. To avoid lines and crowding in the lobby we encourage all players and parents to complete the screening before entering the arena. COVID-19 screening is MANDATORY every time you come to the arena. SWHU is monitoring the number of screenings submitted and they need to align with the expected number of skaters on the ice and people in the arena at any given time.

2.  Spectators are allowed in the arena to view.   Maximum capacity limits are indicated at each arena ice pad.  Please continue to social distance, and Masks are Mandatory for all entering the Arena.   

Players are allowed into the arena approximately 15 minutes prior to ice time.

4.  Although there will be dressing rooms available with capacity limits in place, chairs will also be set up outside the rooms for those who need to put their skates on.  Please make sure that your player comes dressed and ready to put on skates, helmets, gloves for Peewee and below age groups.  Bantam and Midget aged players are recommended to come dressed if possible.   Showers can be used for the older age groups, however all must exit approximately 15 minutes after the end of your scheduled ice time.  Please do not linger.


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