Post tryout #3 Update, News, U12 A (2013), REP (Kent Minor Hockey Association)

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May 04, 2024 | Mike Stinson | 959 views
Post tryout #3 Update
Once again, thank you to all players for coming out to this tryout.  I am very proud of each and every kid who's gone on the ice.  These times are difficult for all and I am overwhelmed by their positive attitudes.  

The following players will be continuing in the tryout.  Players with a * beside their name will be dressing for the final tryout game tomorrow against Talbot trail.

Owen Anderson*
Byron Butzer*
Andrew Coates
Elliot Crow*
Owen Dantzer*
Zachary Eagen*
Troy Faubert*
Jack Hill*
Hannah Jamieson*
Keenyn Mallett-Morry
Zac McLellan*
Ryder Presley*
Ben Raspburg*
Drayden Reaume*
Benjamin Serruys*
Matthew Stinson
Logan Torrance
Holt Van Hooren*
Archer Vanruymbeke*
Vander Vermey*
Parker Voskamp-James*
Boone Warriner

Those not on the list are released to B tryouts with Coach Paul.  I wish you the best of luck.  I will be watching.  I hope you make me regret this.

Any players wishing feedback on their tryout are free to email me at [email protected]