May 11, 2018 | atom-minor-aa | 775 views
Sunday Roster
We play our second exhibition game on Sunday at 1pm at Thames Campus. I ask that they players are there 1 hour to 45 minutes before the game. Please dress appropriately; Khaki's with a golf shirt or button down or a track suit from previous years are acceptable.
Here, in no particular order, is who is playing on Sunday:
Iain Robinson
Brody Hope
Bryden Parker
Simon Hlidebrand
Colton Simpson0
Damon Tope
Kylan McGregor
Landon Larouche
Elliot Crow
Gavin Casey
Daniel Ross
Dane Morris
Carson Boundy-Penell
Colton Byrne-Brownell
Owen Debicki
Owen Bienstman
2nd goalie will be told on Saturday