Aug 07, 2018 | midget-minor--aa | 948 views
Tuuka Cup
Thanks again to the Minor Midget AA for volunteering Please let me know what hours/days you're able to come out for and the approximate number of people volunteering.
The BBQ will be fired up at 8 each morning in hopes to serve breakfast by 8:30-9ish until 11. 11 til the end of day will be hot dogs/burgers etc. We'll also need a few volunteers to run outdoor activities beside the BBQ such as the sharpshooter contest, obstacle course, and tire hockey unless your team is being split into shifts, as a whole team bbqing at once would be too many.Let me know what your thinking as I'm holding off scheduling more volunteers until I'm sure of the AA teams hours.Thanks again Brandi!
If anyone is available and can donate some time for a good cause, please contact Brandi (Austens Mom) @ 519-809-0935 by Friday August. 10, 2018 so the Organizer can plan the volunteers.